Tag Archives: survival

How to Defend Yourself from a Shark Attack

How to  Defend Yourself from a Shark Attack


Sharks are fantastic creatures, but they also pose a very rel and very lethal menace.

I know you have watched all the TV shows (Shark week on Discovery channel).  You have also heard about all the many fortunate stories of survival, examples when ocean goers were attacked, but survived the nightmare.  Chances are you probably will never be attacked by a shark.  The chances of even seeing a shark, but not to mention getting attacked by one on or off your surfboard, are slim. but if an attack does take place, it’s best to be equipped with all the information you need to survive.  If you find yourself the possible target of the oceans deadliest creatures, here are 5 steps that could save your life.

1.  Keep an eye out for sharks.


Sounds simple right? You would be amazed by how many people forget they are sharing the ocean with millions of other creatures.  many of these creatures. like sharks, are bulky and bold enough to impose deadly injuries if they attack.  Make certain to keep an eye on your surroundings.  If you do  see a shark’s fin , or any fin always keep in your sight.  If it doesn’t draw too much attention, try to notify other people of the shark presence.  If  its  big enough and swims around you, its time to head for dry land.

2. Don’t panic.


The instant you realize there is a large fin in the water, remember to keep your cool.   Yes, there are better surroundings to be than shark infested waters, but thrashing frantically only draws more attention to yourself.  You could play dead if you are calm enough to do so; sharks are more likely to go for more lively prey than one dead.  Remember all the same to keep your eyes open and your body braced to defend .  If stealth does not work, don’t just hope the shark loses interest because you’ve now become prey.

3. Find a defensive position.


You may prefer to avoid battling a shark in the open water!  You’re exposing yourself to  number of strike points way to many to defend yourself in deep water. If you’ve spotted a shark nearby and it is moving in on you try to find something to serve as a backdrop if a fracas could take place.  Try and make sure you are in between the shore and the incoming shark.  If its got you trapped with your back to the ocean, pivot so it’s approaching from the deeper water towards you in the shallows.

Try and find a sandbar , rock formation, shallow reef or some obstacle that can throw off a point of attack, this will act as your back guard when, or if , the shark does make a strike.  Getting out of the water is obviously the best option, but if that is impossible, don’t try to out swim a shark, they are built to hunt in the water. We are not.  If you have ascertained a place to play defense and it’s not buying the play dead routine, you need to get ready quick.  An attacking shark will begin to circle you, that’s when you know the shark is interested and a possible attack could be in your cards.

4. Fight back.


You will need to show the shark that its more beneficial to leave you alone.  A shark will lose interest if it believes you are going to inflict sufficient damage to make the meal too much trouble.  If you can find a chunk of floating wood or use your beloved surfboard, even better.  Make sure to hit the shark underwater.  The three most sensitive spots of a shark are its eyes, nose and gills.  I would go for the eyes if possible!

As you rustle with the shark make sure to do it in a straight line.  Looping your attacks will only create drag in the water.  Attack the shark in a rapid succession near those three vulnerable areas.  You’re not going to knock out a shark, you’ll just hurt it enough to hopefully  leave you alone.

5. Call for help and get out of the water.

If you’re able to strike the shark sufficiently and they leave without eating you up, you’re still not done.  A shark sense of smell is extremely powerful and if you’ve been attacked, you’re probably bleeding which will attract  more sharks.  Make sure to get out of the water as soon as possible.

Once you’re out of the water, apply pressure to your wound and get it bandaged. If there’s a belt, twine or a leash, apply a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.  Go to the hospital immediately, even if it seems like a minor wound.  They can become infected quickly.

You’ve just survived a shark attack!


underwater leg

See you at the beach!